Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Questions on Bottled Water to choose from

  • Bottled water & if fluoride is a required test?
  • Tap vs Bottled ?
  • Labels on the bottles and what needs to be on them?
  • Does name brand matter?
  • Types of bottled water water (seltzer,mineral, etc.)
  • How is it regulated by the goverment?
  • Safety? any health risks involved?
  • Is the price worth it?
  • Possible healing properties?
  • Can goverment  promise and say if water is safe and what could be in it?
  • Why have so many brands if its all the same - just water? (Jimmy)
  • Where do the plastic bottles go?
  • Enviomental impacts of bottled water? (Ben)
  • Is the shape and design matter ?
  • How is it advertised?
  • Water vs Soda?
  • Filtering process of bottled water? (Reaksmey)
  • Is the plastic effecting the waters quality?
  • Does bottled water expire?
  • Health/safety of bottled water vs.tap (Brian)

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