Thursday, April 7, 2011

Revised Draft

Although people see bottled water as a healthy safe choice, actually the testing and disclosure regulations for tap water are stricter than bottled water. Tap water has many types of testing undergo to test for bacteria and chemical ranges. Tap water is more tested by government and legislature laws to ensure public safety. Tap water discloser however is mandatory by the 1996 amendment of the U.S Federal Drinking Water Act of 1974 (Timmons). This is to ensure the public is informed about the quality of their drinking water and any potential dangers they may face. Almost 60% of bottled water is merely tap water put in attractive bottles (Parag). Bottled water is not tested like tap water to the way both waters are stored and used (Mahajan, et al.). The food and drug administration (FDA) doesn’t require a lot of tests done on bottled water if it meets government regulation. The FDA however sets standards on bottled water testing for chemical, bacterial and radiological containments (Royte). So most bottled water is safe, by government standard. So with testing always occurring and knowledge presented is tap water and bottled water all that different?

Works Cited

Mahajan, Rakesh Kumar, et al. “Analysis of Physical and Chemical Parameters of Bottled Drinking Water.” International Journal of Environmental Health Research 16.2 (2006):89-98. Academic Serach Premier. Web. 24. Mar. 2011.
Parag, Yael, and J. Timmons Roberts ”A Battle Against the Bottles: Building. Claiming and Regaining Tap-Water Trustworthiness.” Society and Natural Resources 22 (2009): 625-36. Academic Serach Premier. Web. 24. Mar.2011
Royte, Elizabeth. Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It. New York: Bloomsbury, 2008. Print.

Any last minute comments are welcome and much appreciated

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